So, as mentioned before February is a bit different in that I’m skipping forward a year so as to introduce some variety in the selections. However, RadioWorldHistory doesn’t have any of February 1990’s Record Mirror and my collection is missing some issues so the first one is from February 10th. I thought I had a complete collection of RM for this year but I’ve either misplaced a box or misremembered.
Continue reading “Record Mirror Club Chart, February 10th 1990”Category: Record Mirror
Record Mirror Club Chart, January 28th 1989
End of the month, going to do something a bit different with February but until then it’s ten from the Club Chart leaning into rarer / more obscure tracks and maybe some anthems, as much comment as I can muster (not much) and with hatred in my heart for Spotify.
And to explain myself on this point, Spotify is a company that has contentised art, stolen from musicians and treated them with contempt while profiting massively from their works. Fuck them. Buy some music from Bandcamp instead.
Continue reading “Record Mirror Club Chart, January 28th 1989”Record Mirror Club Chart, January 21st 1989
I am writing this on January 7th to keep ahead and as of today Mark Zuckerberg is enabling the apocalypse so maybe Spotify has been destroyed by a missile as he declares war on Europe and European Internet companies.
Continue reading “Record Mirror Club Chart, January 21st 1989”Record Mirror Club Chart, January 14th 1989
Ah, here we are again. Same deal, a few tunes off youtube and a burning desire for everyone in Spotify’s management to die horribly.
Continue reading “Record Mirror Club Chart, January 14th 1989”Record Mirror Club Chart, January 7th 1989
Annual post time again, for this year I’ve scanned the Record Mirror Club Chart from 36 years ago.

And if you can’t read my scans, the lovely folk over at World Radio History have the full issue here in PDF.
So, on to the chart, I’m going to pick a few things out and we’ll see if they’re available on youtube. Not ideal, but fuck Spotify. I hope everyone in leadership at that company dies horribly.
Continue reading “Record Mirror Club Chart, January 7th 1989”September 27th 1980, Record Mirror
Another Birthday issue. I would have been 9 on this date.

September 29th 1979, Record Mirror
At the beginning of 1979 James Hamilton invented BPMs as a way of describing music that would become a fundamental tool in a DJ’s assortment. These numbers helped to categorise and sort music, and could help a DJ craft a set on theme and pitch. Anyway, these numbers didn’t go away.

September 30th 1978, Record Mirror
I’m seven years old now, some of this becomes familiar on reading.

The editorial direction of the paper now is kind of boring, Travolta, Abba & Status Quo are flavours of the month I guess, but not really my bag man. And the tone of the paper is a bit aggressive, but maybe that’s the Punk attitude. But I doubt it, it’s the newest counter culture and I can’t see it well represented in the press, only looked back on.
Continue reading “September 30th 1978, Record Mirror”September 24th 1977, Record Mirror
Well, after last year’s pivot to Nazi Germany part way through the post, maybe there’s something a bit more cheerful to be found here.

September 25th 1976, Record Mirror & Disc