The Coast Is Clear

I’m partial to buying what some what call junk from Aliexpress, so recently I had a need for some cheap coasters and figured I’d have a look there for something suitable. There’s little point in my buying those in Switzerland, they’ll be 10 times the price.

There’s the danger of buying something from Aliexpress that turns out to be a photo or a poster of the item if I’m not careful, especially it seems in the area of toolsets, but that’s part of the thrill I guess. And I realise I’m probably subjecting myself to the whims of big Algorithm feeding into big data for the Chinese Government, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take. And I really needed a Do Not Disturb sign for my office door.

Anyway, I found some vinyl coasters that were a couple of bucks and that’s kind of my thing, so I bought a pack and it’s arrived today.

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November 15th 1896, The Phonoscope

The Phonoscope

“A Monthly Journal Devoted to Scientific & Amusement Inventions appertaining to Sound & Sight.”

VOICES OF THE DEAD. - The Possibilities of the Talking Machine.

EDISON. How he Works and Rests.

TALKING MACHINES. The Phonograph, Graphophone,
Gramophone and Metaphone.

of General Interest.

’GRAPHS, ’PHONES AND ’SCOPES. The Artograph, Zero
graph, Radiophone, Megaphone and Cathoscope.

THE X-RAYS. Its Successful Practical Uses. Dangerous
Effects by Its Use.

RECENT INVENTIONS. The Duplex Diaphragm. The
Multiplex Phonograph.

THE TALKING MACHINE LITIGATION. Dispute Between the Phonograph and Graphophone Interests.

ing, Enlarging and Animating Photographs of Objects in
Motion. The Vitascope, Phantoscope, Eidoloscope, Bio
graph, Cinematographe, Theatrograph and Kineopticon.

NEW RECORDS FOR TALKING MACHINES. New Records Manufactured by the Leading Companies.

THE LATEST POPULAR SONGS. List of the latest successes.

ITEMS OF INTEREST. Trade Notes. News and Interviews. Foreign Correspondence. New Films for Projecting Devices. Exhibitors Directory. Letters. Talent.
Screen Squibs. General .News Relating to Inventions
Appertaining to Sound and Sight.
Principle Features of this Number.

As ever, many thanks to the unsleeping scanner of World Radio History for this gem. We’ll get to the charts of the era eventually, but not before some unspeakable horrors and duplicity.

Continue reading “November 15th 1896, The Phonoscope”

Schrödinger’s Chart

Ravestabs at the ready!
Continue reading “Schrödinger’s Chart”