September 21st 1974, Record (& Popswop) Mirror


And now I am almost three years old. Another relaunch, the (& Radio) Subtitle? Midtitle? was dropped in August and the paper left the Billboard organisation in early July moving to Spotlight Publications. Can’t imagine that went down too well with Editorial as they were housed in Carnaby Street before moving to Benwell Street into a building that seems now to be the Jamie Oliver Cookery School. Magazines as before courtesy of World Radio History.

The Rubettes – Saturday Night was a flexi disc. If you’ve any interest in the learning about this almost disposable medium, I suggest starting here with a DJ Food video.

Weird flex but OK
Wear It’s ‘At.

The UK Charts I have just realised are available at so here is the chart for September 8th, 1974 which is listed in Record & Popswop Mirror cover date September 21st, 1974. This does make things a bit easier as I don’t need to correct dodgy OCR to get a text list to mangle into spotify. Now, I just need to work on scraping the content automatically and inserting it into Spotify. Then maybe a bad pun bot.


And of course, the US Charts are available online at, which is a bit of a blessing as they’re getting harder to read. The paper was in broadsheet form at this time and as such, the scans can be a bit murky due to age, original stock.

September 21st, 1974 Record & Popswop Mirror UK Charts

There are a couple of tracks not on Spotify, R. Dean Taylor – Window Shopping & Rain with Stephanie De Sykes – Born With a Smile On My Face.

Windows 74
Cuntent Warning – Bernard Manning at the start of this clip.
September 21st, 1974 Record & Popswop Mirror US Charts

Missing from Spotify in the US Charts, Sami Jo – It Could Have Been Me.

A Diva

The US chart for this issue of the paper is here. FWIW, the charts are a couple days out of sync here because of the cover mounted flexi disc.

The free record did not make up for this.
High Karate

The Karate sequence can be seen here, if you’re as morbidly curious as I am as to learn what passed for entertainment in 1974.

Teenage Weekly
Lucky Colour, Dark Brown
Bye Bye Baby
Liking the smell
Oh, right, WEAR IT’S HAT.
A Shrewd Look

Extracts from Bowie’s albums doesn’t exactly sound like a great deal. And inevitably it’s a bit rubbish.

Weirdo flex, but ok

Available for 50p at the time of writing. 7 times the cover price of Record & Popswop Mirror.

What does this even mean?
Turn to the left
Floopy Safari Hats

It’s kind of unfortunate that the pages didn’t have colour, I imagine that Lovelight day glo colour print would be quite something to behold.

What were you planning to do, Robbie?

Ah, looks like someone on digitalspy remembers.