Electric Soup 02 (1989, Electric Soup Press)

The Christmas Issue, December 1989 or so. Full issue linked at the bottom of the post.

Is that a Frank Quitely cover? Can’t say for sure, I don’t see any signature but it sure does look like it. Back cover by Somme depicts the Saracen Head (Sarry Heid), one of Glasgow’s oldest pubs and supposedly host to Scotland’s Poet, Robert Burns at one point in it’s past. Only open at weekends according to Trip Advisor, so don’t make any plans on my account.

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Electric Soup 01 (1989, Electric Soup Press)

I’ve been wanting to scan this for a while, but various things just left me unable or unwilling to do so but for reasons today I’ve decided to sit down and work on it.

In reading back through some of this, it’s very much a product of 1989; traces of sexism & racism, but a unique sense of humour that was very much Glasgow. Maybe mostly to be remembered for launching Frank Quitely on the world stage. Anyway, I kind of feel a lot of this makes very little sense outside of a Glaswegian mindset, very much so at the beginning. I’m going to assume there’s no-one still too attached to this and any chances at making any money are passed, and some of the people are dead and or pretending to be dead so they don’t have to deal with John Brown Press anymore. The full mag is linked below, but for now let’s get annotating.

I’ve scanned it as A3 so covers are presented as a pair, if you want to split them and reupload be my guest. I just ask you don’t claim credit for scanning.

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The Complete Fantastic Adventures of Adam Ant

This doesn’t need much of an introduction, I’ve written about it before but to get up to speed this was a comic strip appearing in issues of DC Thomson’s (TV) Tops comics in 1982. A full colour series featuring the pop star alias of Stuart Goddard, Adam Ant. Adam travels through time, adventuring in various personas inspired by his glamourous stage presence. I’ve been trying to piece together the various strips for a while, which is not an easy task considering the scarcity of the source material.

A little over forty one years since the last strip appeared, I’ve believe I’ve managed to find every page.

The Fantastic Adventures of Adam Ant STARTS TODAY
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The Fantastic Adventures of Adam Ant

Tops insert Promo for the Fantastic Adventures of Adam Ant
Tops Promo (inner)
Tops Promo (back)

The Fantastic Adventures of Adam Ant was a comic strip appearing in Tops (later TV Tops) magazine, published by DC Thomson as a rival to Look-In Magazine. I’ve been trying to find scans of this for some time, it’s not been easy to track down but I’ve gathered bits and pieces so it’s probably time to try and assemble it all in one place. The story is barely coherent (even less so when I’ve only been able to source one page of an issue) but the core theme appears to be a Quantum Leap-ish time travel plot with various personas worn by Adam.

The magazine featured photos of Adam pretty much every week so this is someone’s logical conclusion to ensure constant appearances of his name at the very least. The artwork was believed to be by Maureen Gray and her husband, Gordon, at least initially. The scans presented here are a mix of Mag-a-zone content from flickr, comicvine and ebay seller images. I think I scanned a couple of these, but I can’t seem to find them for sure.

Anyway, I’ll update when I find more images. I think the strip skipped a few weeks here and there and went on hiatus between 31 & 38 but again, I can’t be sure right now.

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You Are Maggie Thatcher

A conversation elsewhere reminded me of Heartbreak Hotel, a short-lived “Comics Lifestyle Magazine” which attracted talents such as Trina Robbins, Steven Appleby, Dave Gibbons & Alan Moore to name a few. There wasn’t any mention of the mag on Wikipedia until about 15 minutes ago when I added it as a future rod for my back but more about that another day though. In skimming one of the issues I spotted a house ad for Titan Books, the usual fare and well, something I don’t remember.

Los Bros

I though I had struck gold with the Halo Jones ad, there’s a version in my head that I swear describes the whole thing as a 9 book saga with a Pirate Queen Halo that I’ve never found again, but I haven’t found it today. I had both of those Love & Rockets volumes as my first introduction to Hopey & Maggie and I was of the age where Hopey was a real crush. And my first Watchmen copy would have been the Titan edition due to it being slightly easier to come by (and these were probably featured in LM), but in the middle, there’s the real monster. And it’s not wearing the memories of Alec Holland.

You Are Maggie Thatcher Cover
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I had more ambition in 2020, I had hoped to post at least few times. Look how that turned out.

Anyway, less said about the past few months the better, this year’s (primary? only?) post is about the 1991 Comic Relief Comic, Wikipedia says this about it.

Various items of merchandise have been sold to promote and raise money for Comic Relief. In 1991, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational And Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic was published by Fleetway. Conceived, plotted and edited by Neil Gaiman, Richard Curtis, Grant Morrison and Peter K. Hogan, it featured contributions from a vast array of British comics talent, including Jamie Delano, Garth Ennis, Dave Gibbons, Mark Millar, Simon Bisley, Mark Buckingham, Steve Dillon, D’Israeli, Jamie Hewlett and Bryan Talbot. (Alan Moore, arguably Britain’s most famous comics writer, was not credited as working on the book having sworn never to work for Fleetway again, but was said[19] to have worked with partner Melinda Gebbie on her pages.) The comic was unique in that it featured appearances by characters from across the spectrum of comics publishers, including Marvel and DC superheroes, Beano, Dandy, Eagle and Viz characters, Doctor Who, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, in addition to a cavalcade of British comedy figures (both real and fictional). These were all linked by the twin framing narratives of the Comic Relief night itself, and the tale of “Britain’s meanest man” Sir Edmund Blackadder being persuaded to donate money to the event. The comic “sold out in minutes”, raising over £40,000[citation needed] for the charity, and is now a highly prized collectors’ item.


Highly prized collectors’ item isn’t really a term I would use to describe something you can get on ebay for a fiver but I digress. Please find below a few pics taken from the comic, as it’s not something likely to be reprinted.

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