Electric Soup 02 (1989, Electric Soup Press)

The Christmas Issue, December 1989 or so. Full issue linked at the bottom of the post.

Is that a Frank Quitely cover? Can’t say for sure, I don’t see any signature but it sure does look like it. Back cover by Somme depicts the Saracen Head (Sarry Heid), one of Glasgow’s oldest pubs and supposedly host to Scotland’s Poet, Robert Burns at one point in it’s past. Only open at weekends according to Trip Advisor, so don’t make any plans on my account.

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Electric Soup 01 (1989, Electric Soup Press)

I’ve been wanting to scan this for a while, but various things just left me unable or unwilling to do so but for reasons today I’ve decided to sit down and work on it.

In reading back through some of this, it’s very much a product of 1989; traces of sexism & racism, but a unique sense of humour that was very much Glasgow. Maybe mostly to be remembered for launching Frank Quitely on the world stage. Anyway, I kind of feel a lot of this makes very little sense outside of a Glaswegian mindset, very much so at the beginning. I’m going to assume there’s no-one still too attached to this and any chances at making any money are passed, and some of the people are dead and or pretending to be dead so they don’t have to deal with John Brown Press anymore. The full mag is linked below, but for now let’s get annotating.

I’ve scanned it as A3 so covers are presented as a pair, if you want to split them and reupload be my guest. I just ask you don’t claim credit for scanning.

Continue reading “Electric Soup 01 (1989, Electric Soup Press)”